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Texas Buddies Take Monster 460-Pound Feral Hog with a Knife

Texas Buddies Take Monster 460-Pound Feral Hog with a Knife
Not many would even attempt this, but Colton Roberts and Nathan Wright were up to the task. (Photo: WFAA)

Two friends, Colton Roberts, 20, and Nathan Wright, 17, were hunting hogs for a local farmer in Proctor, Texas, when the pair landed a major catch: a 460-pound boar, and maybe new careers.

The two were hunting with dogs and were able to catch and kill three wild pigs that day. All three were taken using knives.

“He called us saying, ‘Hey, we got a bunch of hogs that’s tearing up our land. We got a bunch of money,'” Wright told ABC. “We pulled up about 6:30 that morning, turned the dogs loose and started hunting.”

The pair used dogs to corner the largest boar. Roberts jumped the monster pig and grabbed its legs while Wright got the boar with his knife.

Feral hogs cause tremendous amounts of damage to Texas and many other neighboring states. They eat crops and break fences and harm buildings which leads to lost animals and other issues.

See Also: An Ideal Elk Hunting Knife: The Bugler Blade

Wild pigs also damage yards, houses, fields, and anything and everything else wherever they go. They pose a danger to traffic and are encroaching on more urban areas every day.

Because of this Texas allows hunters to take wild hogs without limits using almost any means. Knives are still pretty uncommon, at least for taking boar, let alone big beastly boar.

With their headline-sized kill Roberts and Wright are now talking about becoming hunting guides for the Procter region.

Both have been hunting their entire lives and say hunting is in their blood. They and the farmer donated much of the boar meat to families in need.

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