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Take the Shot?

TAKE THE SHOT: Rain-Wet Scope

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The author has a shot at a big Hawaiian Axis buck, but his optic is compromised. Will he take the shot?

Take The Shot : Badlands Mule Deer

While pushing Southwestern boulder-and-cactus badlands on horseback a 14-year-old girl jumps a big buck. An hour later she finally gets a last-minute cross-canyon shot.

TAKE THE SHOT: Monster Mule Deer

We’d been hunting for many days in backcountry territory where we had success in years past. We saw no deer and finally decided to pull up stakes and move to a different area.

TAKE THE SHOT: Sitka Blacktail In Alaska

I wanted to go DIY, and after extensive research, I decided to travel to southeast Alaska early in the season and climb to the alpine country with a bivy camp on my back. It would be a lot of work, but I could do things my way and on my schedule.


Two hunters are presented with back-to-back shots at big aoudad rams. The first is straightforward, the second steeply uphill and distant. Should they take the shots?

Take the Shot? A Mature Kudu Bull Offers A High-Speed Opportunity

Lunging for my rifle where it leaned against a bush, I slammed a cartridge home in the chamber. A big broken-horned kudu bull broke from the brush, racing full speed from right to left. Swinging with him, I watched my crosshairs catch up, swing through, and pass his vitals. My finger closed on the trigger