Deer Behaviors Explained!
The world of whitetails is as fascinating as it is complex, with every behavior giving us a glimpse into their survival skills and social lives.
The world of whitetails is as fascinating as it is complex, with every behavior giving us a glimpse into their survival skills and social lives.
With Michigan’s firearm deer season opener just around the corner on November 15, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has introduced new rules to increase hunter participation.
Local wildlife enthusiasts and photographers who had documented the deer in the cemetery quickly recognized the deer’s distinct antlers.
“She just absolutely loved hunting, and we just connected in a way that I never thought that we actually would. We look different. We come from different places, but none of that matters.” Nina shared.
So no, zombie deer disease does not in any way have to do with eating brains. Rather, it is a highly contagious mutation that is 100% fatal.
Ultimately, the program transcends age, race, and background, uniting participants through their shared interest in hunting.
Kip Adams of the National Deer Association (NDA) shares valuable insights into the often overlooked social nature of deer, revealing that these majestic creatures communicate regularly among themselves.
For those who’ve found rattling to be futile, NDA presents proven tactics to enhance your hunting experience.
The up-to-date data gives the DNR more confidence in their estimates – something the old system was incapable of doing.
Be sure to go into each setup during the daylight and trim any low-hanging branches to keep from getting hung up or making unwanted noise.
The NDA has been advocating for this effort on behalf of deer and other big game species since the fall of 2020.
Our limited understanding of the history of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) only goes back to the 1960’s in Colorado where a captive deer at a research facility became the first animal where the disease was detected. Read that sentence again.
With holiday parties and sports parties in full swing, you need this quick and simple recipe in your quiver. These meatballs are delicious on their own or simmering in sweet ‘n’ sour sauce as appetizers. Your kids will love them with spaghetti.
With holiday parties and sports parties in full swing, you need this quick and simple recipe in your quiver. These meatballs are delicious on their own or simmering in sweet ‘n’ sour sauce as appetizers. Your kids will love them with spaghetti.
An avid rifle hunter switches teams, flinging arrows in the late season. Read about his steep learning curve and follow him on this adventure!
Supporters can tune in today, July 12, at 7:00 p.m. EST for this month’s episode: Enhanced Scouting – Scouting your Hunting Property Fast and Effectively. Latecomers can watch prior episodes on Youtube.
As the hunting season comes to an end in late January, many hunters plan for the long drought of game and wait for the time when they can apply for next year’s tag draws or plant food plots. For many, the only oasis in this time period is turkey season. However, there is another way that we can pass the time “hunting” that serves a few purposes. I can promise that it will get you out into the woods before turkey season and it will help you see if the bucks and bulls, which you chased through the season, made it. An exciting and productive pastime that has become very popular for many outdoorsmen and women is shed hunting.
After a missed opportunity, one Ohio hunter found the dead head of a huge buck he’d been pursuing for several years.
Alabama hunters are projected to set a new record for the deer season ending this year, estimated to take as many as 145,000 deer before long.
A 70-year-old California man was slapped with a $20,000 fine for poaching a trophy buck.
“I’ve worked for the Game and Fish Commission for 20 years, and it’s one of the stranger things that’s happened,” Keith Stephens, chief of communications, told Fox 8.
Tough cuts are usually ground, but these tasty tacos are a much better use of your game meat.
Wildlife management implemented a vasectomy program that’s run for three years, however, residents and officials want a better, more effective solution.
The Wildlife Research Center is responding to state bans on the use of scented deer lures in Minnesota, Pennsylvania and South Carolina.
A doe in southwest Utah is enjoying an unusually long lifespan due to a rare condition that causes her to grow and shed antlers like her male counterparts.
“I saw two deer on the ground,” Vickers told the newspaper. “It shot plum through both of them. They both dropped right there. They didn’t take another step…”
The Michigan state legislature voted last month to suspend the issuance of new permits for deer sterilization, a controversial method adopted by the city of Ann Arbor to control its growing urban deer population.
“People don’t realize that just because hunters go out and kill that they’re not humane or they don’t have those feelings about animals and the environment,” explained Slide. “That’s the way we are. It captured who we are.”
One Stanford University School of Medicine’s researcher’s curiosity may lead to breakthrough treatments for bone injury and diseases. It all started with a trip to the Denali National Park in Alaska.
The Wyoming Outdoorsmen, a nonprofit group, recently planned, hosted and executed a program to mentor first-time hunters. Aptly named, First Hunt, the program taught shooting, safety and hunting skills to new hunters.
She did not record footage of the deer calling Niko a scaredy-cat, a furball or a pussy. She told ABC News that her other pets simply ignore the deer.
States around the country have begun to implement policies designed to stop the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a 100% fatal neurological disorder affecting whitetail deer, moose, and elk.
On August 11 a friend of mine from back East texted me and I responded that I was deer hunting. “Boddington,” he came back, “it’s August…around here we call that poaching!” On the surface, it seems crazy. Here on the Central Coast, August temperatures soar above 100 degrees and wildfires are headline news. Even so, it’s deer season! The “coast zone” rifle deer season opens the second Saturday in August. This year opening day was the 11th; it could open as early as August 8…but never later than the 14th. This is the earliest rifle deer season in the Lower 48!